Vestry 2024

Vestry of St. Stephen’s Church 2024

Senior Warden, Greg White

Junior Warden, Bish Mumford

Vestry Member, Mike Staubitz

Vestry Member, Carol Stratton

Clerk, Karen Moser

Treasurer, Linda Warrum


Minutes of the Vestry Meeting February 11, 2024

St. Stephens Episcopal Church


This meeting was held in the Parish House following coffee hour. In attendance: Greg White (2025), Bishop Mumford (2025), Carol Stratton (2026), Karen Moser (2027), and Linda Warrum. Mike Staubitz (2027) was unable to attend. Greg called the meeting to order with prayer at 11:40 AM.


The minutes of the vestry meeting of January 21 were reviewed. Bish moved to approve the minutes. Karen seconded. Minutes were approved.


Senior Warden Report: (Greg)

· Don Jones will be here to celebrate Holy Eucharist on February 18, first Sunday of Lent. · Reverend Joan Smoke will celebrate Holy Eucharist on Easter Sunday, March 31.

· Have reached out to Charlie Carpenter about celebrating Holy Eucharist in April-awaiting



Junior Warden Report: see Bishs Nave ideas under New Business


Treasurers Report: Linda

· Baird Regular Account $125,856.13 up $2,925.99

· Baird Columbarium Account $26,967.30 up $387.48 · Heritage Federal Checking Account $8,190.89

· Pledge Card Report (11 pledges, 7 non-pledges)



· Food Bank needs grocery bags


Education Formation

· There was a discussion centering upon lay ministry and the Diocesan requirements. Some questions were:

What are the requirements related to Canon 25 in the Constitution of the Episcopal Diocese of Indianapolis?

If we do need to hold training for lay ministers, could this be done in a way that does not pose a burden or obstacle to people who are willing to serve in this way?

Could it be done as continuing religious education?

· Carol will contact Jen Phelps to obtain further information.


Old Business

· The Parochial Report was filled out and approved as prepared with a motion by Greg, which Carol seconded; it will be submitted this week. (Linda)

· Continued discussion of St. Stephens diocesan apportionment and its determination based on NOI and formulas. Is there any way to lower it for St. Stephens now that we have no parish clergy? St. Stephens representatives will proceed with follow-up discussion with Canon Brendan O’Sullivan.

· The Vestry has decided to move forward with a Liturgy Planning Group, led by Bish. Greg and Carol joined. Bish will send out an email opening the group to anyone in the congregation who wishes to be a part of it.

· Discussion regarding how much to charge Black Lodge for use of the kitchen. Questions of certification, cost of electricity, wear & tear on the oven. A conference call was made to Katie Kimbal to determine how many hours/week it would be used. To be continued.

· Signage: will be tabled for now. It was discussed that rather than change existing sign, alternatives be researched, such as a banner.


New Business

· Gail Angel is willing to play the organ for free on Palm Sunday. She will need the bulletin. Linda will put her in communication with Margie.

· Bish submitted a proposal to “touch up” the Nave in order to open it up to the community. The committee will read it and discuss next time.


The next Vestry meeting will be held on March 17 in the Parish House after coffee hour and every third Sunday after that.


Meeting was adjourned at 1:30 PM with prayer by Greg.


Respectfully submitted,


Karen Moser/Clerk




St. Stephens Episcopal Church Called Meeting of the Vestry

                       January 21, 2024 following the Annual Meeting


This called meeting was held in the Parish House for the purpose of electing 2024 officers, approving the minutes of the December 17 vestry meeting, and conducting vestry business. In attendance: Greg White (2025), Carol Stratton (2026), Peggy Meyer (2024), Linda Warrum, Mike Staubitz (2027) and Bishop Mumford (2025). Greg called the meeting to order with prayer by Carol at 12:25 p.m.


Election of vestry officers:


Slate of officers for 2024:


Bishop Mumford                      Junior Warden             1 year term

Mike nominated Bish for a 1-year term as Junior Warden. Carol seconded the nomination.


Karen Moser                           Clerk                            1-year term

Mike moved to nominate Karen to be our Clerk/Secretary. Carol seconded.


Greg White                              Senior Warden            1-year term

Mike nominated Greg for a 1-year term as Senior Warden. Bish seconded.


Linda Warrum


Mike Staubitz


Carol Stratton


Treasurer                     1-year term (Not vestry member)






Bish moved to accept the slate of officers for 2024 as presented. Greg seconded. Motion passed unanimously.

------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------The minutes of the vestry meeting of December 17, 2023 were reviewed. Greg moved to approve the minutes. Carol seconded. Minutes were approved.


Senior Warden Report:

     ● Don Jones will be here to celebrate Holy Eucharist on February 18, first Sunday of Lent.

Reverend Joan Smoke will celebrate Holy Eucharist on Easter, March 31.

Reaching out to Rev. Charlie Carpenter for April Eucharist.


Junior Warden Report:



Treasurer's Report:

As of December 31, 2023:

o $ 122,930.14 Baird Financial regular account

o $ 26,579.82 Baird Financial Columbarium restricted account o $         7,389.07 Heritage Federal checking account


Education/Formation Report:


Outreach Report:

·      Food pantry needs grocery bags.


Old Business:

·      None

New Business:

·     Discussion of St. Stephens diocesan apportionment and its determination based

on NOI and formulas. Is there any way to lower it for St. Stephens now that we have no parish clergy? St. Stephens representatives will proceed with follow-up

discussion with Canon Brendan O’Sullivan.

·      Ministry List for 2024 – available for sign-ups.

·      Pledge cards for 2024 are in the back church (12 pledges for 2024 so far).

·      Preparation for Lent: There will be an Ash Wednesday evening service at St.

Stephens at 6:00 p.m. led by Mike Staubitz. Ashes to Go at St. Stephens is still

under discussion and awaiting approval by Bishop Jennifer.

·      Plans for preparation of annual Parochial Report – Linda, Peggy, Carol are

working on the financial and stewardship sections, and other vestry members will help in filling out the rest of the forms. Linda is sending vestry members links to

the forms.

·      Bish proposed forming a Liturgy Committee to plan services, details of which can

then be sent to the Office Manager (Margie) for bulletin preparation.


The next Vestry meeting will be Sunday, February 11, in the Parish House after coffee hour.


Meeting was adjourned at 1:30 p.m. with prayer by Greg.


Respectfully submitted,



Peggy Meyer/Clerk